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Yang Yuye, Yaoyuan Zhang, Shun Ikezoe, Ho Rui An, Simon Liu

Curated by Pan Lv
Hosted by: Department of Chinese History and Culture, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Sunday, 26 May 2023 1PM-6PM

13:00-18:00, 23 MAY 2024

"Senses of (Dis) Connection: Japan and Contemporary Asian Art and Cinema" is a carefully curated collection of films and artworks explores the intricate interplay between Japan and its neighbouring countries and regions, highlighting the shared narratives, artistic expressions, and cultural exchanges that have shaped the region's creative landscape. Through a diverse range of video art, essay film and experimental film and fictional shorts from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore as well as works (co-) produced by Japanese artists, the program aims to illuminate the ways how Japan's past and present are intertwined in the works contemporary Asian artists and filmmakers. We see in the works the shared themes of identity, historical entanglement, modernity, and how Japan, intimately or remotely, is connected and disconnected with its neighbours.

Screening Information
Yang Yuye, Yaoyuan Zhang, Shun Ikezoe, Ho Rui An, Simon Liu
Date: May 23, 2024, 13:00-18:00
Venue: ASAKUSA (1-6-16 Nishi-Asakusa, Taito, Tokyo 111-0035)
Reservation: Not Required

Supported by
Hosted by: Department of Chinese History and Culture, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


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